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This week's online gambling news recaps fallout from "Black Friday", including interesting remarks from Caesars CEO Gary Loveman. Also, online sports betting has been legalized in Germany... but don't get too excited. 29 April 2011
Germany, Caesars, and Loveman
This week's online gambling news recaps fallout from "Black Friday", including interesting remarks from Caesars CEO Gary Loveman. Also, online sports betting has been legalized in Germany... but don't get too excited. follow the discussion
On April 15th, 2011, the U.S. Department of Justice seized the domains and bank accounts of Pokerstars, Full Tilt, and Absolute Poker. One week later we know how they did it, who helped them, and if players will be getting their money back! 22 April 2011
Online Gambling Black Friday Special
On April 15th, 2011, the U.S. Department of Justice seized the domains and bank accounts of Pokerstars, Full Tilt, and Absolute Poker. One week later we know how they did it, who helped them, and if players will be getting their money back! follow the discussion
http://theppa.org/takeaction : Online poker players and gamblers, the actions of the U.S. Department of Justice on April 15th, 2011, demonstrate how important it is to take action! With the help of the Poker Players Alliance, it's time to let our congressmen hear our voices and understand our positions! Last Friday, online poker sites Pokerstars.com, Fulltiltpoker.com and Absolutepoker.com were seized by the FBI and DOJ, and eleven people have been charged with money laundering, violations of the UIGEA and illegal gambling offenses. These charges were filed by the federal prosecutors in New York state and stem from illegal payment processing for the online gambling industry. These three internet poker sites are three of the largest on the web. The U.S. Department of Justice alleges that Full Tilt Poker, PokerStars and Absolute Poker misrepresented transactions so that banks would process online poker and gambling transactions. 19 April 2011
Pokerstars, Full Tilt, and Absolute Poker: An Online Gambling Call to Action!
http://theppa.org/takeaction : Online poker players and gamblers, the actions of the U.S. Department of Justice on April 15th, 2011, demonstrate how important it is to take action! With the help of the Poker Players Alliance, it's time to let our congressmen hear our voices and understand our positions! Last Friday, online poker sites Pokerstars.com, Fulltiltpoker.com and Absolutepoker.com were seized by the FBI and DOJ, and eleven people have been charged with money laundering, violations of the UIGEA and illegal gambling offenses. These charges were filed by the federal prosecutors in New York state and stem from illegal payment processing for the online gambling industry. These three internet poker sites are three of the largest on the web. The U.S. Department of Justice alleges that Full Tilt Poker, PokerStars and Absolute Poker misrepresented transactions so that banks would process online poker and gambling transactions. follow the discussion
GUYS... It SUCKS that this news broke on? Friday, the day after we recorded this video. We really believe this has caught everyone off guard, including Steve Wynn and others who believed online gambling was moving toward regulation. Maybe it's a good thing, as there is so much speculation and contrary information. Next week we will have a much better idea of where we are and what's really going on. HANG IN THERE MY FRIENDS! 15 April 2011
Online Gambling Legal in America!
GUYS... It SUCKS that this news broke on? Friday, the day after we recorded this video. We really believe this has caught everyone off guard, including Steve Wynn and others who believed online gambling was moving toward regulation. Maybe it's a good thing, as there is so much speculation and contrary information. Next week we will have a much better idea of where we are and what's really going on. HANG IN THERE MY FRIENDS! follow the discussion
This week's news involves more partnerships between big land based gaming operations and major internet gambling firms. Also, information on the iGaming North America conference ( http://iGamingNorthAmerica.com ) and a personal message from J Todd. 8 April 2011
Movin', Shakin', and Consolidatin'
This week's news involves more partnerships between big land based gaming operations and major internet gambling firms. Also, information on the iGaming North America conference ( http://iGamingNorthAmerica.com ) and a personal message from J Todd. follow the discussion
This week we cover another step toward online gambling regulation in the United States, as the announcement came that Poker Stars and Wynn Resorts have reached an agreement to work together! Also, updates on the upcoming iGaming Super Show and the latest from eCOGRA. 1 April 2011
Wynn at Poker!
This week we cover another step toward online gambling regulation in the United States, as the announcement came that Poker Stars and Wynn Resorts have reached an agreement to work together! Also, updates on the upcoming iGaming Super Show and the latest from eCOGRA. follow the discussion
This week J Todd introduces us to the two newest additions to his family! Plus, the European Union has called for consultation on how to create cross border "harmonization" in regard to online gambling rules. Also, the internet poker debate continues in Iowa. 25 March 2011
Twins, Hawkeyes, and Green Papers
This week J Todd introduces us to the two newest additions to his family! Plus, the European Union has called for consultation on how to create cross border "harmonization" in regard to online gambling rules. Also, the internet poker debate continues in Iowa. follow the discussion
Online gambling news from the U.S. State of Nevada, as lawmakers consider regulating online poker and 888 gets approved. Plus, we've have a Dikshit sighting! 18 March 2011
Online Gambling News from Nevada
Online gambling news from the U.S. State of Nevada, as lawmakers consider regulating online poker and 888 gets approved. Plus, we've have a Dikshit sighting! follow the discussion
This week, J Todd covers online gaming news from Cyprus and New Jersey. He also interviews Jan Jones of Harrah's about the future of our industry.

11 March 2011
Cyprus, New Jersey & Harrah's
This week, J Todd covers online gaming news from Cyprus and New Jersey. He also interviews Jan Jones of Harrah's about the future of our industry. follow the discussion
The online gambling legislation overwhelmingly approved by the New Jersey State Assembly and Senate has been VETOED by Republican Governor Chris Christie! Find out his reasoning in this week's "APCW Perspectives" from Seattle where J Todd is about to become a daddy... again!

4 March 2011
New Jersey Governor Vetoes Online Gambling Bill!
The online gambling legislation overwhelmingly approved by the New Jersey State Assembly and Senate has been VETOED by Republican Governor Chris Christie! Find out his reasoning in this week's "APCW Perspectives" from Seattle where J Todd is about to become a daddy... again! follow the discussion
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