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The U.K. Gambling Commission is asking for public input on the Gambling Act Review White Paper. They would like feedback on their plans, which seem to be primarily focused on web-based gambling and games. 28 July 2023
Back to the White Paper
The U.K. Gambling Commission is asking for public input on the Gambling Act Review White Paper. They would like feedback on their plans, which seem to be primarily focused on web-based gambling and games. follow the discussion
J. Todd braves the heatwave in Las Vegas to report on this week's gambling news. Stories include updates on fines in the U.K. and gambling ad bans in Ireland. 21 July 2023
Gambling news from the Gates of Hell
J. Todd braves the heatwave in Las Vegas to report on this week's gambling news. Stories include updates on fines in the U.K. and gambling ad bans in Ireland. follow the discussion
J. Todd discusses what affiliates living in the Netherlands are putting up with as they cope with regulatory changes, new rules, and program closures. He also dives into the bravery of the Irish, and the stupidity of the U.K.'s Advertising Standards Authority. 17 July 2023
The Dutch, Irish, and imbeciles
J. Todd discusses what affiliates living in the Netherlands are putting up with as they cope with regulatory changes, new rules, and program closures. He also dives into the bravery of the Irish, and the stupidity of the U.K.'s Advertising Standards Authority. follow the discussion
This week, J. Todd looks at the hidden dangers for operators and affiliates who are working in the online gambling industry. No matter how careful we are, or how much effort we put forth, it seems it's never good enough for the regulators in the U.K. 7 July 2023
Navigating the mine fields
This week, J. Todd looks at the hidden dangers for operators and affiliates who are working in the online gambling industry. No matter how careful we are, or how much effort we put forth, it seems it's never good enough for the regulators in the U.K. follow the discussion
J. Todd is back after two-weeks away, and he brings news about the U.K. Gambling Commission, the Bank of England, and the iGB L!ve and Bacta events. 30 June 2023
Confusion, conferences, and goodbyes
J. Todd is back after two-weeks away, and he brings news about the U.K. Gambling Commission, the Bank of England, and the iGB L!ve and Bacta events. follow the discussion
J. Todd speaks with Naomi Barton, Portfolio Director at Clarion Events, about the upcoming iGB Live Event in Amsterdam. This is the perfect follow up for the iGB Affiliate London show, with more integration of operators and affiliates. And if you didn't get to attend the event in London, then the iGB Live Amsterdam event is a must attend. 16 June 2023
APCW Interviews: iGB Live Amsterdam 2023
J. Todd speaks with Naomi Barton, Portfolio Director at Clarion Events, about the upcoming iGB Live Event in Amsterdam. This is the perfect follow up for the iGB Affiliate London show, with more integration of operators and affiliates. And if you didn't get to attend the event in London, then the iGB Live Amsterdam event is a must attend. follow the discussion
We're back, and so is gambling news from the Netherlands. And when we're done we discuss stories from France, the U.K., and Iowa. 9 June 2023
Sunshine and cigar smoke
We're back, and so is gambling news from the Netherlands. And when we're done we discuss stories from France, the U.K., and Iowa. follow the discussion
This week's show is all about the impending ban in the Netherlands that will apply to all untargeted gambling advertisements. However, just what "untargeted" means is not completely clear, especially when it comes to affiliates. 2 June 2023
Affiliates not going Dutch?
This week's show is all about the impending ban in the Netherlands that will apply to all untargeted gambling advertisements. However, just what "untargeted" means is not completely clear, especially when it comes to affiliates. follow the discussion
Discussion includes affiliate news from the U.S., a new letter to the Department of Justice, and the U.K. Gambling Commissions latest plans to justify their existence. 26 May 2023
Fishing trips and passing clouds
Discussion includes affiliate news from the U.S., a new letter to the Department of Justice, and the U.K. Gambling Commissions latest plans to justify their existence. follow the discussion
J. Todd's interview with Dennis Algreen of SBC Events discusses the many benefits and reasons why affiliates should attend. This years event will take place from 13-15 June 2023, in Toronto. 24 May 2023
APCW Interviews: SBC Canadian Gaming Summit 2023
J. Todd's interview with Dennis Algreen of SBC Events discusses the many benefits and reasons why affiliates should attend. This years event will take place from 13-15 June 2023, in Toronto. follow the discussion
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