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Join the Fight™ Resource Page

Thank you for visiting our "Join the Fight" Resource Page, where we have quality educational and entertaining videos about what's going on in the online gaming industry. All webmasters, players, affiliate programs, and casinos are free to use this content so long as they abide by our Terms and Conditions at the bottom of this page. You do not have to be a member of the APCW to use these videos. However, we would encourage you to look into a membership if you agree with what we're doing.

Free Dynamic Content for your Website and Email...

Our webcast, Perspectives Weekly, is distributed every Friday and is a short, ten minute news video about current industry affairs. Adding our show to your site is as simple as installing a few lines of code, and when our new shows come out, your site's content will be automatically updated with the latest information about what's going on in the industry.

Just copy and paste our "Auto Updating Code" below to your website! It's that simple!

Watch: PerspectivesWEEKLY    
<A HREF=""><font color="#FF0000">Click here to play this clip using a stand-alone player.</font></A>  
<EMBED TYPE="application/x-mplayer2" pluginspage="" src="" Name="MMPlayer1" Autostart="0" ShowControls="1" ShowDisplay="0" ShowStatusBar="1" DefaultFrame="Slide" width="275" height="275" BGCOLOR="black"> <noembed> <A HREF=""><font color="#FF0000">Click here to play this clip using a stand-alone player.</font></A></noembed>
For all archived episodes of Perspectives Weekly, please click here!

APCW Political Video Shorts...


  We have developed a series of short, political videos on different congressmen that can use both for education and entertainment. The codes to add any of these videos to your website are listed on the individual pages for each video. To watch a video and/or obtain the code to add that video to your website, please click on the picture or a link for the video of your choice.      

How the US Congress
Betrayed the US People


Video One: How the US Congress Betrayed the US People
October 05, 2006 / Runs 1:47
Server/YouTube Views: 25,815 as of April 4th, 2007

The video runs less than two minutes and gives a factual presentation of what happened on September 30th, 2006, when the US Congress succeeded in passing a bill to "outlaw" online gambling. It details the dangers this new law presents not just for online gaming, but for Americans personal freedoms.


The Truth About the Corrupt
Politicians who Passed the
Online Gambling Ban


Video Two: The Truth About the Corrupt Politicians
who Passed the Gambling Ban

October 09, 2006 / Runs 3:50
Server/YouTube Views: 34,044 as of April 4th, 2007

One of our most popular videos to date. This video exposes the men behind the new online gambling law, State Representative Bob Goodlatte (R-Va) and Senator Bill Frist (R-Ten), for the corrupt hypocrites that they are. These are the men who took away your ability to play online games while gambling is legal in 48 states. Why did they do it? There's a big difference between what they say and what the truth actually is.


Mr. "Bill" Frist goe to Washington
Senator Frist and the
Online Gambling Ban


Video Three: Senator Frist and the Online Gambling Ban
(A.K.A. "Mr. Bill Goes to Washington")

October 12, 2006 / Runs 3:14
Server/YouTube Views: 13,540 as of April 4th, 2007

We borrow the old Saturday Night Live routine and give Bill Frist a documentary in clay! Watch as we present fact after fact to expose this fraud as being a borderline criminal and 100% unethical jackass. We name names and list data you can check and verify for yourselves. We can't make this stuff up! It's too damn weird!


Online Gambling & Bob Goodlatte:
Both Victims of "C.D.D"


Video Four: Online Gambling and Representative Bob Goodlatte:
Both Victims of C.D.D.

October 17, 2006 / Runs 3:32
Server/YouTube Views: 5,724 as of April 4th, 2007

What is CDD and how does it affect all our lives? Learn in this eye opening video about the latest victims of this ugly disease: Bob Goodlatte and the Online Gaming Industry. C.D.D. could be the answer to what has gone terribly wrong with the American political system.


Jon Kyl ~ American Patriot
Jon Kyl ~ American Patriot

Video Five: Jon Kyl ~ American Patriot
April 5, 2007 / Runs 3:54
Server/YouTube Views: 1,140 as of April 10th, 2007

Since it's been a while, and since Jon Kyl has been running his stupid mouth, we figured it was about time to help the American people remember what a hypocritical, self-serving jack-hole this guy is. The great thing about this video is all we have to do is report the fact... he makes himself into the jack-hole.

      APCW Educational Video Shorts...

We've also made a couple of educational videos about the importance of voting and how politicians mislead the public about online gambling and state lotteries. To watch these videos, simply click the link. To use them on your sites, simple copy and paste the code.

Casino Genie says Vote!
The Casino Genie says VOTE!

The Casino Genie wants you to VOTE!
November 05, 2006 / Runs 2:15

We released this video a few days before the elections, so that people would remember who was responsible for our favorite past times being stripped from us with no vote, under cover of darkness, in the secret dealings of late night congressional meetings.


<EMBED TYPE="application/x-mplayer2" pluginspage="" src="" Name="MMPlayer1" Autostart="0" ShowControls="1" ShowDisplay="0" ShowStatusBar="1" DefaultFrame="Slide" width="275" height="275" BGCOLOR="black"> <noembed> <A HREF=""><font color="#FF0000">Click here to play this clip using a stand-alone player.</font></A></noembed>
The Truth about Online Gambling and State Lotteries

The Truth about Online Gambling and State Lotteries
April 10, 2007 / Runs 1:17

The Federal and State governments in the Unites States want people to believe that online gambling is EVIL and that lotteries are GOOD... but why? Find out the truth as we put these two forms of gambling side by side to compare them...

<EMBED TYPE="application/x-mplayer2" pluginspage="" src="" Name="MMPlayer1" Autostart="0" ShowControls="1" ShowDisplay="0" ShowStatusBar="1" DefaultFrame="Slide" width="275" height="275" BGCOLOR="black"> <noembed> <A HREF=""><font color="#FF0000">Click here to play this clip using a stand-alone player.</font></A></noembed>

APCW Promotional Video Shorts...


We have also developed several promotional videos to recruit new membership and get those interested in our industry to sign up for out free magazine. Below are the videos that we have available right now, and more are on the way. To watch a video, simply click the "Watch" link. To place them on a website, use the code provided.



APCW Perpsectives Magazine
January 15, 2007 / Runs 0:39

Originally published in April of 2006, APCW Perspectives was around a long time before a webcast was ever conceived. Now, this quarterly publication goes out to about 10,000 players, webmasters, and industry professionals around the world. You can use this video to offer a FREE SERVICE to the visitors to your website.

Just copy and paste the code below to your website! It's that simple!

    <EMBED TYPE="application/x-mplayer2" pluginspage="" src="" Name="MMPlayer1" Autostart="0" ShowControls="1" ShowDisplay="0" ShowStatusBar="1" DefaultFrame="Slide" width="275" height="275" BGCOLOR="black"> <noembed> <A HREF=""><font color="#FF0000">Click here to play this clip using a stand-alone player.</font></A></noembed>

Your Player Conscience

Your Player Conscience says "Join the Fight!"
March 05, 2007 / Runs 3:34

To be truly effective, we need to be taken seriously as a political force! To that end, we need every voice we can get to stand with us in our fight to bring online gaming back to the United States, and prevent the prohibition on online gaming world wide! We made this silly little video to help recruit new players into membership.

Just copy and paste the code below to your website! It's that simple!

<EMBED TYPE="application/x-mplayer2" pluginspage="" src="" Name="MMPlayer1" Autostart="0" ShowControls="1" ShowDisplay="0" ShowStatusBar="1" DefaultFrame="Slide" width="275" height="275" BGCOLOR="black"> <noembed> <A HREF=""><font color="#FF0000">Click here to play this clip using a stand-alone player.</font></A></noembed>


Webmasters, players, affiliate programs, and casinos are free to use this content so long as it is not altered or changed in any way.
Our videos are for educational purposes and are always property of the APCW. They represent our effort and our work.
DO NOT alter them, edit them, add to them or take away from them without express, written permission from the APCW.
DO NOT personalize them, add links, wording, sounds, clips, logos or anything else whatsoever to any video.
DO NOT represent yourself as the owner or creator of the videos, or that you have the right or ability to act on behalf of the owner or creator.
DO NOT sell them, rent them, charge a fee to view them, or profit from any video in any way, shape, or form.
By using our videos, you are agreeing that you will stop showing them immediately upon our request.

Click Here to Contact Us! All original material, intellectual property, articles, and data copyright © 2003 to 2007 by the Association of Players, Casinos, and Webmasters.